Hey world,
Hope you are preparing for a wonderful holiday! I sure am, but I'm also not taking a break this season, as I have teased you with dreams for months now; Ideas that I've been playing around are finally possible to put my focus on. I've finished school, and what feels like millions of hours, is now available to really put my love into my work. For the first time, there is no deadline, no major distractions, and I plan on taking advantage.
First thing's first, The biggest distraction when I work on ShuffleTone is juggling an old version. I've decided to cut strings with ShuffleTone 3.0; For those who don't know the history, ShuffleTone 3.0 was pretty much written from scratch in 2 weeks. I had no other choice at the time if I wanted to release it, and so the code is rushed, the design was rushed, and has since just received a bunch of bandaids to keep it running.
Unlike last time, I am here to innovate; invent; do something that has never been seen before. I want to change your phone's lifestyle; Something to really show your friends and to make a statement. So many ideas have surfaced with new abilities that have been given in Android, that I really think this is not a far future.
I'll do a later post about what to expect and where the project is so far. I'm with my family right now and for the next couple days. I just wanted the state of affairs to be made clear. I'll try to post weekly about progress. I want to be as transparent as possible in my work and hopefully this can be what is holding me accountable :)
I love you guys! I've never regretted putting myself out there, that very first year. Many of you have been there from the beginning, and I have been so blessed by you! Thank you so much for everything! Keep your suggestions and questions coming. I'll do my best to answer everyone like I used to... This year has been crazy and I haven't caught up with all the emails, but expect that to change. :)
Happy Holidays! I hope it rocks!